Prior to the formation of Hope for Youth Ministries (HFYM), founding members Colin and Joanna Tinsley, were full time evangelists in Jamaica (1 year) and Australia (3 years) in addition to mission trips to the USA, Kenya and Vanuatu. Since 2007, HFYM has been taking teams to the land of Poland as part of an outreach programme amongst orphaned children and young people. These children find themselves in this life situation often as a result of alcohol abuse, addiction or sheer poverty. Some children do have contact with their parents or guardians; however this can be limited to weekends or short periods of time, simply because they don’t have enough money to support them for any longer.

Teams usually consist of approx. 24 people, all of which are Born Again Christians (Saved), seeking to share their faith with others. Using platforms such as summer/winter camps, food distribution programmes and weekend retreats, team members share their faith through meetings, workshops, crafts, excursions, sport and games. Trips can vary from 4 days to 2 weeks, depending on the time of year. To date we have sent some 21 teams to Poland with a further 5 organised for 2012.
We have experienced great times of blessing and seen lives transformed as a result of the Polish children placing their trust in the Lord Jesus. Team members also testify as to how the trips have impacted their own Christian lives and strengthened their relationship with God. In some instances, volunteers have been so touched by the experience, and after much prayer and consideration, have felt called of God to enter into full time study at Bible College in preparation for future service and ministry.